Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...
Matthew 28:19
We have a passion for reaching the lost. Our first mission field is Fulton Missouri, but we also want to extend our reach beyond this town. We want to do this by supporting church planters (both foreign and domestic) sent out of other churches, and by sending church planters out of our own church. We currently support the following active missionaries.

Active Missionaries
The Burgetts
Church Planters to Japan
The Cromwells
Missionaries to Missionaries
Seth & Jen Demarest
Missionaries to Uganda
The Grittses
Missionaries to England
The Hendrigsmans
Missionaries to Mexico
The Lukyanovs
Missionaries to Estonia
The Millers
Missionaries to Serbia
The Mowerys
Missionaries to Spain
The Rogerses
Missionaries to Brazil
The Schropes
Missionaries to Australia
The Childresses
Church Planters to Panama
Jeff Demarest
Missionary to South Africa
The Demastuses
Missionaries to Scotland
The Hansons
Missionaries to Panama
The Jezeks
Missionaries to Southeast Asia
The McClures
Missionaries to Brazil
The Monasmiths
Missionaries to Australia
The Rays
Missionaries to Myanmar
The Schmutzlers
Missionaries to Mongolia
A Christian Legal help Ministry
Join the mission
Help Support our Missionaries!
"...ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. "
Acts 1:8
The key to this verse is the words, "...both...and..." We are supposed to be reaching our "Jerusalem" and "the uttermost part of the earth" at the same time. The best way to accomplish this is to participate in supporting Foreign Missions through your Local Church!
Acts 1:8
The key to this verse is the words, "...both...and..." We are supposed to be reaching our "Jerusalem" and "the uttermost part of the earth" at the same time. The best way to accomplish this is to participate in supporting Foreign Missions through your Local Church!