...all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Isaiah 54:13
We provide age appropriate classes for children ages 3-12. We divide these ages into 2 classes: Pre-Primary (3 y/o-1st grade) and Primary (2nd grade - 5th grade). It is our goal to take your children all the way through the Bible, and give them a solid foundation before they enter the Student Ministries classes. There is also a Children's Church offered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service (3 y/o - 4th grade). We intend to provide strong complimentary teaching to your home discipleship!

Sunday Mornings
Children's Sunday School Classes are offered during this time. There is a Pre-Primary Class (3 y/o - 1st grade), and there is a Primary Class (2nd grade - 5th grade).
Children's Church is offered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service (3 y/o - 4th grade). Feel free to keep your children with you during the Worship Service if that is your preference!